Monday, November 7

12:30 pm Lunch with First-Gen Student Mentors (RSVP Required)

Join us for a FREE box lunch and hear from upper classmen first-generation students on their tips & tricks to being successful. We will be meeting on campus and a location will be sent to you after registration.


RSVP Here: Lunch with First-Gen Student Mentors! – HogSync (

Tuesday, November 8

11:00 am - 1:00 pm CELEBRATION in the Connections Lounge!

Drop by the Union Connections Lounge (Flag Room) for a bite to eat, read stories from students, faculty, and staff, grab some swag items, and take a photo to celebrate being a first-gen student!



5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Cooking Class (RSVP Required)

Join us for a cooking class by Cooking Matters through the Volunteer Action Center! You will get to learn and enjoy a recipe, cooking skills, and budgeting and nutrition information! We will be meeting on campus and a location will be sent to you after registration.


RSVP Here: First-Gen Cooking Class! – HogSync (

Wednesday, November 9

11:00 am -1:00 pm Pop Up UREC at the Union Ballroom

Experience mini-UREC at the Union with yard games, minute to win it fun, fitness challenges, the Wellness hut, and promotional resources to explore!



12:00 pm Personal Branding Workshop with TRIO- Union 403

Join TRIO/Student Success Services for a workshop about personal branding in Union 403. ALL students are welcome, regardless of TRIO status!


Looking for a job or internship? Or even thinking about starting the process? Your self-branding says a lot to potential employers. Learn tips about branding from the Director of MC Retention Programs, C.J. Mathis and then put them into practice through LinkedIn, led by our local LinkedIn extraordinaire and SSS Ambassador, Willow Franks.


No RSVP needed, see event here: How to Brand Yourself Through LinkedIn – HogSync (

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Coffee & Chat with Student Success Center- CORD 324

In CORD 324 (Student Success Center) we will be having a Coffee (there will be plenty of other drinks and snacks) & Chat with student success faculty, staff, and students! We hope to see you there!

Thursday, November 10

11:30 am - 12:30 pm The First-Generation Entrepreneurial Experience (RSVP Required)

McMillion Innovation Studio (Harmon Garage)


This program will highlight our staff and students who are first generation entrepreneurs and give a overview of resources available to them as they also embark on entrepreneurial endeavors as a student here at the University of Arkansas. Food will be provided


RSVP Here: The First-Generation Entrepreneurial Experience – HogSync (

3:00 pm- 4:30 pm First-Gen Student Celebration @ Recess with Honors College- 1st Floor Gearhart Hall

Recess is hosted every Thursday in the Honors Lounge where students can meet and enjoy some snacks and warm drinks to destress! During the First-Generation Student Celebration at Recess, students can partake in a crafts activity and engage in conversation about what it’s like to be a first-generation college student. Open to all!


No RSVP needed, see event here: Recess: First-Gen Student Celebration – HogSync (

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm FLIP (First-Gen Group) National Interest Meeting- CORD 324

In CORD 324 (Student Success Center).

We are hosting an interest meeting for first-generation students who are interested in starting a RSO (Registered Student Organization) through the FLIP National Organization!

FLIP National is an organization that is geared towards giving First-Generation and/or Low-Income students a voice on their campus and amongst their peers. It spans 30 chapters across 16 states, with some of the chapters being housed at Yale, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Vanderbilt, University of Florida, etc. FLIP has 7 target areas that they aim to serve through every chapter they have, those being: Food Insecurity, Student Wellness & Community Building, Academic Development, Student Homelessness, Financial Support, Professional Development, and Awareness & Visibility. Their vision is to ensure all First-Generation and/ or Low-Income students have adequate resources and support to fulfill their academic potential and career ambitions.


No RSFLIP National is an organization that is geared towards giving First-Generation and/or Low-Income students a voice on their campus and amongst their peers. It spans 30 chapters across 16 states, with some of the chapters being housed at Yale, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Vanderbilt, University of Florida, etc. FLIP has 7 target areas that they aim to serve through every chapter they have, those being: Food Insecurity, Student Wellness & Community Building, Academic Development, Student Homelessness, Financial Support, Professional Development, and Awareness & Visibility. Their vision is to ensure all First-Generation and/ or Low-Income students have adequate resources and support to fulfill their academic potential and career ambitions.


No RSVP needed

Friday, November 11

10:30 am - 1:00 pm Goodie Bags with Associated Student Government- Union Mall

The UofA Associated Student Government will be handing out Goodie Bags to first-generation students to celebrate their successes!

11:00 am - 2:00 pm Letter Opening- By Invitation Only

We can’t give too much about this event away.. because it is kind of a secret! But specific students will recieve an email with an invitation and details on the event.

2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Paving the Way: Engagement in Northwest Arkansas (RSVP Required)

Join the Volunteer Action Center as we explore the surrounding Fayetteville community hubs and resources. This event will last from 2:00-4:30 with an optional free dinner with members of the Volunteer Action Center board following. Take steps from the University to discover a free art museum, explore the trails, and tour the Fayetteville Public library extension. Warm up with a cup of hot chocolate and meet new friends as we use Razorback Transit to return to campus. Merchandise from various Volunteer Action Center teams at no cost.


Stop locations:

ArtVentures: nonprofit art gallery tour, rooms open to study, relax and unwind in

The Ramble: newest expansion of the trail, learn more about the expansive system throughout NWA

Public Library: tour, warm-up, and service project


Accessibility: will require students to walk approximately 1.5 miles

RSVP Here: Paving the Way: Engagement in Northwest Arkansas – HogSync (