
Francisco Javier Hernandez

Position Title or Student Involvements:

Full time student, and full time worker at Walmart DC 6094. Non-Conveyable Orderfilling.

What degrees have you obtained or are working on?

I am currently working on Computer Science BS.

What does it mean to you to be a first-generation student/graduate?

It means to be a pioneer, exploring the unknown and adventuring in the dark. It feels like I am driving and I know my destination, but my GPS has no signal and I am stuck in the middle of nowhere. But lucky for me, I love adventure, so no matter where I end up I will feel happy knowing that I did my best.

Why is being a first-generation student/graduate important to you?

I am the oldest of my siblings, and my cousins. And being the first of my family to be born in the United States, I carry the dreams that my parents were not able to complete themselves because of their hard lives and nonstop work since they were 10. So to me, being first generation is really an honor. I have the ability to be writing this right now thanks to the sacrifices of my parents and their work ethic that they passed on to me. So I will do my best to make them proud of and show my sisters Que si se puede!

What piece of advice would you give to first-generation students?

Find people, make friends, share your story. Everyone’s story is unique and needs to be heard. Don’t be scared of meeting people. I personally struggle with asking for help because my whole life I have got used to relying on myself and no one else. But here there are people who have gone through similar paths, so please find them and let them help you!