
Guadalupe Rodriguez

Position Title or Student Involvements:

Clinical Instructor

What degrees have you obtained or are working on?

B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas M.D., The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

What does it mean to you to be a first-generation student/graduate?

It means I have the privilege and responsibility to be open about my journey in order to help those that are also beginning the trek into the unknown.

Why is being a first-generation student/graduate important to you?

Because I have gained so much more than social-mobility through higher education. Higher education has provided wonderful opportunities to expand my worldview, meet people and have experiences that go beyond anything my parents could reach; and statistically speaking, I know this means the trajectory for my son’s future (and that of any possible children he might have) will be so much different than those of my descendants because of this.

What piece of advice would you give to first-generation students?

Learn about Imposter Syndrome and learn how to manage it. For some of us it is a chronic condition, but it is manageable! Seek out mentorship. Ask questions. Remember that your lived experience is valuable and your perspective is valuable.