
Ivan Anaya

Position Title or Student Involvements:

First-Year graduate student and GA in the office of New Student and Family Programs

What degrees have you obtained or are working on?

Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies (Professional and Relational Communications) and a minor in Social Work – Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas

What does it mean to you to be a first-generation student/graduate?

It means that I get to make myself proud but my parents as well. I have the honor of knowing the sacrifices they made so they could help me in any way they could.

Why is being a first-generation student/graduate important to you?

It is important to me because there will always be first-generation students on campus. Acknowledging them and letting them know there are students who also are first-generation makes that sense of belonging just a little stronger. This is vital to determining a college students success journey.

What piece of advice would you give to first-generation students?

Reach out and make those connections. Getting involved can seem intimidating and I know it is easier said than done but getting out there and finding your people (whether first-get or not), makes your journey so much better. It is always great knowing you have people in your corner who are there to help you, encourage you, push you, and support you.